Chisom Obidike
3 min readAug 11, 2021


first let me start of by saying i come from a city or country where females trainers are not a normal time , and for a very long time i have always been obsessed with every time running and movement

I am Chisom Jane , i come from Nigeria Anambra state to be precise, its a lovely city and also a major trade center in my country, a whole lot of business men and women , civil servants and all kinds of odd jobs, now comes the fitness trainer more like huge men with large biceps so you can imagine what my parents must have imagined when i told them i wanted to be a fitness trainer, THEY FREAKED

the thing is the as a child I had always had knee pains i always wondered what it would feel like when i got older like I would be using walking stick or probably a wheel chair long story short,

when I finally did my very first marathon I finally discovered it, running was my thing it had always been my thing i was just to scared to appear strong

I was daddies little girl, and where i can from daddies girl were to be fragile and not strong or make strong decisions like boys should, but doing that marathon was an eye opener i was made for this not just the competition i liked running , infract I actually enjoy it

fast forward to when i decided I was going to be a personal trainer, my parents wouldn't hear of it it was a taboo , plus i rebelled a lot as a child my relationship with my parents was not really great , i was meant to be the child who did as her parents had told her to matter what, so insisting i was going to be a coach and sticking to it didn't sit well with them

fast forward still to my first gym experience i was really scared , seriously i had no idea how to use any equipment and look at me i had a deadline with my parents, though i had studied a whole lot about movement i was still not sure what i was doing, i had gotten my certification , read a lot , still shit scared i couldn't still call my self a trainer because i was really scared or more like i felt like an imposter i remember when i got my first client that was when the nerves set in , can i do this, see i have been training my friends and family but having a complete stranger pay me was overwhelming and terrifying at the same time

just talking about this being the only female trainer in my city can be kind of intimidating and a lot of guys always want to teach you something at the gym and get all weird when i tell them that i am a trainer

well it kind of funny and annoying at the same time

this is my first post and i just wanted to rant

and no i am not a writer but i would really love to learn to write better in the future


Chisom Obidike
Chisom Obidike

Written by Chisom Obidike

I write for body and movement awareness, Love and Fitness. sharing my personal stories

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