Finding your rest
I woke up today knowing I had a lot ahead of me
A day-long project
Literally a day-long
Lifting heavy things
I manage a business in the pharma industries
Distribution and wholesale to paint a picture
At the end of today, I am tired; I want to rest,
Now the problem is how I want my body to feel good, to feel the rest
I started to picture what my rest would look like
I began to imagine that feeling I wanted to get
The funny thing is that I get home, and I am finding it hard to slow down and do the things I pictured
I picture a cold shower because that calms me down and feels so good on my skin.
I pictured a slow shower, standing under the running water, and allowing myself time to slow down and feel the water run down my skin.
I picture a hot cup of tea and me in my very comfortable nightwear, a big polo, and a soft sock, then my journal on the side while I write about what I’m writing to you now.
This writing is not coming out as I had imagined; it was meant to feel magical, slow, and enjoyable.
But in the moment of trying to do all these, I see myself hurrying to get to the next thing.
I keep telling myself to be present, feel, and remember what I promised myself.
To slow down
That is the only way I will feel rested, the only way to breathe and allow my body to recover slowly from the day job.
To savor the moment, and my awake in ti, t
To allow myself to be tired so that I can rest.
This is hard to do, as many people I know do not know how to rest.
We see our bed as sleep time.
So we rush through things, only to fall asleep to wake up more tired than we were
Allow yourself to be tired so you can rest,
Take that break
And not just that, slow down
Slow breathe
Slow walk
Gentle bath
A soft nightwear
No screens
A Hardcover book
A hot tea
A cold room
Natural air
Safe enough for A gentle walk
A gentle movement
Breathe again
This time slower
Now you can rest.
And you will have your energy back
Your body will be happy
Your body will function
Your mood will be better
And on another day, when you are tired
You will not be sad
You will acknowledge you are tired and find your rest again.
It will be hard at first,
Your mind will fight you
Your body will not understand
Thoughts about life will come flooding
Allow them to come and go.
Do not judge them.
Let it come now; let it go.
This is rest,
It will take a while to find your rest
The beautiful thing is that the process of finding your rest is sweet.
You intentionally explore soothing things
Slowing down,
Until you find you
What keeps you rested, refreshed, and restored
You don't have to be stressed out about resting, so you dont cause yourself more stress by trying to sleep.