they only care about themselves and are always trying to project their insecurities onto you
Think about this, you meet a friend, for example, and the first thing they speak about is your weight, oh you have gained weight, or wow, you have lost a ton of weight, leaving you stunned because you have a million and one things you could say to them, but you know better.
This is what you do next time someone greets you using your weight as an;telll them to thank you, and I am not trying to be polite here. Saying thank you to them counters their preconceived ideas that you don't like how you look because it makes them feel better about you when you start explaining yourselves.
One last know if you don't like the way you look, and you want to change something about it by training and practicing good nutrition habits, then, by all means, do that, you will feel so much better; its no use looking at yourself in the mirror all day pinching some places and still not put in the effort.
fatloss comes with effort and tough love, but it just feels so good putting in so form of work that whenever someone talks about your weight, you have become so resistant to it because you are confident about what goes into your body.
that is the only way,
I wish you the best of luck
if you want to heal your relationship with your body and food, you can always reach out to me at @janesmovement on Instagram or send me a message right here