Why you are not getting the benefits of exercise, and how you can fix that

Chisom Obidike
3 min readJul 30, 2023


Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

We talk a lot about the benefits of exercising but hardly speak about the experience.

From my experience, the benefit lies in how you experience it

Instead of focusing on doing all that stuff for the benefit

I know strength, health, better sleep, better body, good sex

You already know exercise does all this, still that dont make you want to exercise.

Having these in mind, you want to change how you experience exercise and moving your body and start to have fun with it.

Play with moving your body.

Find what you love and learn how to do it.

It could be weight lifting.

Bench pressing




Sticking to one way of moving your body and hjating is one reason we dont care about the benefit.

And exercise is too important in your life for you to hate it.

This method eliminates the most common question of what I do for exercise.

It is important to know that you will not know what you are doing at first, and you will feel weird and look weird, and that’s part of the process; focus on the part of moving your body that feels good and keep learning.

Allow yourself to fail, and if you are not failing, challenge yourself to make a mistake.

Find other ways to move,

This is one simple trick I have learned to help me keep showing up repeatedly.

I find something and challenge myself to keep doing it.

Remember, it’s too easy for you to get bored.

And too hard, you fail and give up.

It always has a middle ground, a place to figure out how to hold yourself when you fall.

Because you will fail.

For example

If the goal is to get stronger, and you have to do squats, there is no need to obsess over the perfect squat yet.

Just do a squat, do it fast, slow it down, add pulses to it, do it in front of a mirror, do it without a mirror.

All this is going to lead toward the same goal, stronger legs

And in doing so, you get better squats,

There are no perfect squats; even the best athletes are not excellent at their technique; slow down the TV well enough, and you will see

What they have is hours and hours of practice.

Building strength and speed and power and agility, and it seems effortless

Because they have given in the practice

I love to call my process.

Toy, Tune Train

Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash

You can apply this individually in an exercise session.

Or you can choose one for the day and focus on it.

What I mean by this is

Toy with a movement you are curious about; try doing it differently, do this for 30mins, 1 hour, 2 hours, however long you can

Tune that movement; you are getting better at it, do it in a way that makes it look effortless, do it with less energy, make it more challenging, and try again, fail, and try again; this is how you tune


Train training comes easy now; when you are dedicated to getting stronger for that movement, stronger arms, stronger legs, more mobility, stability, speed, whatever it is, you are training to get a better experience.

Notice how I didnt talk about discipline and control,

This, my friend, is how you find the motivation to move again and again and again

Instead, ask yourself if you care about the benefit right now.

If your experience with exercise is suffering,
Then, it will cause more harm than good.

If you take the time to practice, fail, and practice again, you will get all the benefits and still enjoy yourself in the process.

If you want some help to make positive changes — I would love to support that click Here



Chisom Obidike
Chisom Obidike

Written by Chisom Obidike

I write for body and movement awareness, Love and Fitness. sharing my personal stories

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